PEEL RE-NEW AHA Cream for normal to oily skin 1 × 295 kr
Delsumma: 295 kr
Efter Vaxning Olja Eukalyptus 500ML
Applicera postvaxolja efter hårborttagnings behandlingar för att ta bort eventuella vaxrester
medan fuktgivande och närande hud. Närvaron av Eucalyptus ger hud och en trevlig känsla av friskhet.
Tillverkad i Italien
Lätt och praktisk patentvärmare med ergonomiskt handtag och fin design. Det kan fungera både vid 110 och 220V. Utrustad med kåpa och matningskabel. Denna värmare har konstruerats för uppvärmning av vattenlösliga 100 ml rullpatroner. Färg: Vit med grön keps.
Spatel för vaxspridning med rostfritt stålblad.
50 ml
The power of fruit acids for a complete renewal of your skin! It works with an all-round ’RE-NEW’ effect: stimulates the process of skin cell regeneration, reduces signs of hyperpigmentation (dark marks and freckles), makes the complexion more even and visibly smoothens the skin’s surface. By stimulating the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid it also increases moisture supply to the skin, firms its structure and reduces wrinkle visibility.
Exclusively for night care.
PEEL-NEW products (except the cleansing foam) ARE NOT SUITABLE:
+ Do not use PEEL RE-NEW products on damaged and diseased skin.
Consult your doctor before using any RE-NEW products alongside any medication.
The application of PEEL RE-NEW products based on AHA and BHA acids may cause mild to moderate redness of the skin or a warm, tingling, prickling or stinging sensation on the skin. These are all normal reactions caused by the effect of the AHA/BHA acids and will soon wear off.
Leverans 5-7 arbetsdagar
500 ml
• stimulates skin regeneration, rejuvenates the skin and maintains its natural moisture level • maintains the structure of the epidermis and protects the skin against early ageing and the action of free radicals from the environment • suitable for body massage for all skin types I WARNING: Store in a cool, dark place.
Ett konstverk görs lager för lager – väck hudens mjukhet med en omslag som innehåller kakaosmör och guarana, med lipolytisk effekt.
För maximal effekt, linda in kroppen i ett förpackningsark. Skölj av efter 20 minuter eller låt verka som slutvård. Endast för extern användning.
Epilatorisk kräm tillverkad av titandioxid, mycket mjuk och med respekt för känsliga områden som underarmar och bikini.
Skapad för att användas på medelstora och stora ytor respekterar även de mest känsliga skinnen.
Det innehåller håret utan att gripa huden och säkerställer därför en mjuk och delikat men mycket effektiv tår.
Speciellt utformad för att möta de specifika behoven för manlig hårborttagning, det garanterar utmärkta prestanda även under varma säsonger och i fall av tjockt och resistent hår.
Den karakteristiska multidirektionaliteten hos Sandy Wax-linjen, i kombination med den krämighet som titandioxiden och glimmer förmedlar i denna formulering, gör den till en utmärkt allierad manlig hårborttagning eller epilatorisk behandling av kvinnor med resistent hår.
Pärlvax Sandy Vaniljvax – 800G
Hårbottenvax med en berikad berikad bivax av hög kvalitet och med en delikat vaniljedoft. Det möjliggör en mjuk och effektiv epilering och den är perfekt för små områden med en känslig hud, som ansikte, armhålor och bikini.
Mycket effektiv och exakt, den är idealisk för en mjuk epilering tack vare dess kapacitet att integrera håret utan att hålla fast vid huden.
Passionsfrukt efter vaxning olja 500 ml
Passionsfruktvaxolja med antiinflammatoriska och återställande egenskaper för att ta bort eventuellt kvarvarande vax.
Närvaron av mandelolja håller huden ung och lämnar den mjuk och silkeslen.
Hur man använder: Applicera på det behandlade området och massera försiktigt tills det är helt upptaget.
50 ml
The power of fruit acids for a complete renewal of your skin! It works with an all-round ’RE-NEW’ effect: stimulates the process of skin cell regeneration, reduces signs of hyperpigmentation (dark marks and freckles), makes the complexion more even and visibly smoothens the skin’s surface. By stimulating the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid it also increases moisture supply to the skin, firms its structure and reduces wrinkle visibility.
Exclusively for night care.
PEEL-NEW products (except the cleansing foam) ARE NOT SUITABLE:
+ Do not use PEEL RE-NEW products on damaged and diseased skin.
Consult your doctor before using any RE-NEW products alongside any medication.
The application of PEEL RE-NEW products based on AHA and BHA acids may cause mild to moderate redness of the skin or a warm, tingling, prickling or stinging sensation on the skin. These are all normal reactions caused by the effect of the AHA/BHA acids and will soon wear off.
Leverans 5-7 arbetsdagar
The power of fruit acids for the complete renewal of your skin! It works with an all-round ’RE-NEW’ effect: stimulates skin regeneration, reduces signs of hyperpigmentation (dark marks and freckles), makes the complexion more even and alleviates texture irregularity caused by acne. It also regulates the secretion of sebum, helps prevent pore blocking, generously moisturises your skin and has a rejuvenating effect.
Exclusively for night care.
NOT SUITABLE for the care of skin with active acne.
PEEL-NEW products (except the cleansing foam) ARE NOT SUITABLE:
+ Do not use PEEL RE-NEW products on damaged and diseased skin.
Consult your doctor before using any RE-NEW products alongside any medication.
The application of PEEL RE-NEW products based on AHA and BHA acids may cause mild to moderate redness of the skin or a warm, tingling, prickling or stinging sensation on the skin. These are all normal reactions caused by the effect of the AHA/BHA acids and will soon wear off.
30 ml
Penetrates deep into the pores where it has a highly cleansing, mildly antibacterial and keratolytic effect – removing dead skin cells and stimulating the formation of new ones. As a result it has an all-round ’RE-NEW’ effect: it reduces the occurrence of impurities, tightens dilated pores and refreshes your complexion, making your skin look rejuvenated. After use, the condition of oily skin may at first get worse – this is a normal reaction and results from intensive skin cleansing, which calls for further product use.
Suitable for cleansing and revitalising all skin types and especially recommended for improving the condition of oily, impure skin.
NOT SUITABLE for persons allergic to salicylates (aspirin) andfor the care of skin with active acne.
NOT SUITABLE for use in combination with the Vita Derma Acne Ampoule.
PEEL-NEW products (except the cleansing foam) ARE NOT SUITABLE:
+ Do not use PEEL RE-NEW products on damaged and diseased skin.
Consult your doctor before using any RE-NEW products alongside any medication.
The application of PEEL RE-NEW products based on AHA and BHA acids may cause mild to moderate redness of the skin or a warm, tingling, prickling or stinging sensation on the skin. These are all normal reactions caused by the effect of the AHA/BHA acids and will soon wear off.
Removes facial and eye make-up, and thoroughly cleanses and degreases your skin. It maintains the skin’s natural pH balance and does not dry it out.
Suitable for daily use in the morning and evening throughout the year
Interrupts the action of AHA acids by raising the pH value, ensuring the exfoliation process does not extend beyond the desired results.
Suitable for all skin types.
Apply the Neutraliser to your skin when the application time for the PEEL RE-NEW Exfoliant AHA has elapsed and leave to work for 1-2 min. Then rinse thoroughly with water.
Advanced anti-age skin care, which rejuvenates your skin at the cellular level! By reactivating several dermal and epidermal genes, the cream promotes the natural process of skin cell division and boosts the synthesis of extracellular matrix macromolecules, which regulate skin firmness and elasticity. As a result, skin ageing is significantly reduced, with decreases in wrinkle density (−37%) and volume (−18.5%), as well as visible improvements to skin tone (+19.5%)*.
*in vivo study on 23 volunteers after 56 days of twice daily use
After cleansing and toning, apply the cream to the face, neck and décolletage area and rub in gently. We recommend using it in combination with 3 PEPTIDES essence. For home use apply the cream morning and evening; for professional use apply at the end of a treatment.
A combination of highly concentrated dermo-cosmetic ingredients which activate skin cells and cause them to behave as though they were younger! Has a triple moisturising effect and provides effective ANTI-POLLUTION protection.
AFTER 1 HOUR: better moisturised skin (42%), with 31%* less pronounced wrinkles.
AFTER 3 DAYS (in vitro): substantially increased synthesis of collagen (49%) and hyaluronic acid (46%)**.
AFTER 2 MONTHS: deleyed chronological ageing and photoageing and rejuvenation of the papillary dermis by as much as 5.5 years***.
*in vivo study on 15 volunteers, **in vitro study on a culture of fibroblasts after a 72-hour incubation, *** in vivo study on 28 volunteers, results examined after two months of twice-daily use
Apply to cleansed and toned skin after using the Filler-drops concentrate or before applying the care product of your choice. It can be used as a stand-alone product for normal to combination skin, and is also an excellent make-up fundation.
A unique formula with 3 biomimetic peptides for the immediate and visible filling of wrinkles! 30 MINUTES after application: up to 34.7% reduction of wrinkle length*. AFTER 5 DAYS: highly-intensified synthesis of collagen I, III and IV (up to 104%), fibronectin (up to 59%), hyaluronic acid (up to 174%), and laminin 5 (up to 75%)**. AFTER 2 MONTHS: visible lifting effect (up to 77% reduction of wrinkles), reduced wrinkle volume (up to 100%) and depth (up to 62%)***. Result: Three-dimensional wrinkle reduction – from 31% to 100%***!
*in vivo study on 10 volunteers, results assessed 30 minutes after one application,**in vitro study, *** in vivo study on 25 volunteers, results examined after two months of twice-daily use
An innovative bio-active enzyme formula ensures a significant improvement in the skin’s appearance even after the first application – smoother and softer skin after jut 1 night*! Regular use reduces irregularities on the skin’s surface** and evens out skin tone***, leaving the skin softer and visibly smoother***.
Result: rejuvenated and refreshed skin!
PERFEKT KOD peptiddimma för ansikte och kropp-en perfekt kombination av bioaktiva peptider och återfuktande hyaluronsyra för mjuk, återfuktad, ungdomlig hud!
Applicera dagligen efter rengöring – eller till och med flera gånger om dagen.
Post vaxkräm – 500ml
Post vaxkräm för applicering efter depilatoriska behandlingar för att avlägsna vaxrester samtidigt som det fuktar och närmar huden. Calendula och Blåbery extrakt har en stark lugnande åtgärd.
ANVÄNDNING: Applicera på det behandlade området och försiktigt massage tills det är helt absorberat.
Post vaxkräm Bio-Nature 500ml
Post vaxkräm för applicering efter depilatoriska behandlingar för att avlägsna vaxrester samtidigt som det fuktar och närmar huden. Calendula och Blåbery extrakt har en stark lugnande åtgärd.
ANVÄNDNING: Applicera på det behandlade området och försiktigt massage tills det är helt absorberat.
Presentförpackning Art of tanning SUMMER GLOW
Detta lyxiga kroppsvårdsset med naturliga förskönande presenter kombinerar två överlägsna produkter för överseende vård från förstklassiga ingredienser. Lyxig olja dusch- och badgelé och Lyxig bodylotion kommer att skämma bort dina sinnen och skapa en oförglömlig kroppsvårdsupplevelse. En utmärkt presentidé för när du vill göra någons dag trevligare, eller när du känner för att ge dig själv den kungliga behandlingen.
PURE GOLD 24 Ka lyxiga presentset innehåller:
24 Ka LYX BODY LOTION, 150 ml
De rika vårdande produkterna är det perfekta valet för alla som vill ägna sig åt kunglig omsorg varje dag.
En intensiv vårdande formel berikad med flytande guld – jojobaolja. Den rengör försiktigt huden, skyddar den från torrhet och ger en känsla av extrem mjukhet. Dess eleganta parfym drar dig in i dofternas sensuella värld och skapar en oförglömlig kroppsvårdsupplevelse. 150 ml
0% tillsatta silikoner
Silkeslen, snabbt absorberad konsistens med partiklar av rent guld för exklusiv anti-age kroppsvård. Berikad med sojaisoflavoner och gyllene jojobaolja, återfuktar den huden intensivt och stimulerar kollagen- och elastinsyntesen, för optimalt näring, otroligt slät och märkbart fastare hud. 150 ml
0 % paraffin
The ampoule is intended for all skin types, especially skin with no tone and sagging skin with expressed wrinkles. In combination with other GOLD 24 Ka products, the ampoule gives your skin a smoother and significantly younger appearance. Skin treated with gold becomes visibly smoother and beautifully lustrous.
Use at home: Apply the ampoule with your fingertips (manual drainage) to skin which has been cleansed, degreased with foam and toned. It is essential to let the skin absorb the ampoule, then finish by applying moisturising/nourishing cream, according to skin type. Best results can be achieved with a 7-day treatment, to be repeated at least three times a year.
At the salon, we use devices according to the instructions enclosed in the seminar folder.
How it works and results:
Contains particles of pure gold which stimulate communication between skin cells. The high concentration of liposomal form isoflavones stimulates collagen production and skin regeneration. As a result, it smoothens existing wrinkles, firms your skin and gives it an up to 5 year younger appearance*! For independent normal to oily skin care or as a base for a cream, for dry skin.
In case of dry to normal skin, apply the Luxury Anti-Age Elixir to cleansed and toned skin every morning and evening. After it has been absorbed, apply the selected skin care cream. In case of normal to oily skin, use the Elixir on its own.
Silky, rapidly absorbed texture with particles of pure 24-carat gold for exclusive anti-age body care. Enriched with soy isoflavones and golden jojoba oil, it intensively moisturises the skin and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, for optimally nourished, incredibly smooth and noticeably firmer skin. A fantasy of pure luxury and a privilege for skin which wants and deserves more!
Apply the lotion to the body after showering.
50 ml
The cream is intended for the care of normal, combination and dry skin. The cream contains the luxury of pure gold which, in combination with isoflavones, visibly improves your skin’s structure and supports its regenerative ability, which is shown by smoothed facial lines and wrinkles, and visibly improved tone. This exquisite care leaves your skin rejuvenated and looking dazzlingly beautiful.
Apply the cream to cleansed and toned skin every morning and evening.
Luxurious rejuvenating formula with particles of pure gold and ceramides stimulates regeneration of the skin around the eyes, significantly improves its structure and has an antioxidant effect. It firms the skin around the eyes, visibly smoothens existing lines and wrinkles and slows down the formation of new lines. For a reborn look without pronounced lines and wrinkles, for the ”golden years” of all skin types.
Using gentle circular motions, apply the cream to cleansed and toned skin around the eyes every morning and evening.
150 ml
he luxury mask is intended for the care of tired facial skin, as well as skin on the neck and décolletage. A dazzling combination of pure gold and isoflavones stimulates the regeneration of dry, mature skin marked by environmental stress factors. Combined with the precious PURE GOLD 24 Ka ampoule, it helps fortify your skin’s protective function and, by supplying active ingredients, increasing its moistness, vitality and elasticity. Application of the mask and a luxurious massage will leave your skin glowing with an incredibly firm, fresh and rejuvenated appearance with no pronounced lines or wrinkles.
Apply PURE GOLD 24 Ka mask in a thick layer to cleansed and toned skin. Let it work for 20 minutes and gently rub the mask residue into the skin or wipe it off.
Luxury cream for the care of normal and dry skin. The luxurious power of pure gold in synergy with isoflavones reduces the structural deterioration of the existing elastin and collagen and promotes their synthesis. The unique anti-wrinkle formula stimulates skin regeneration and this exquisite care leaves your skin shining with a rejuvenated appearance, visibly improved tone and feeling silky soft and tender to touch.
In case of normal skin, apply the cream to cleansed and toned skin in the evening,
In case of dry and atrophied skin, use the cream as day and night care.
An intensive care formula enriched with liquid gold – jojoba oil – for total indulgence under the shower. Gently cleanses the skin, protects it from dryness and provides extreme comfort. Its elegant perfume draws you into the sensual world of fragrances and creates an unforgettable skincare experience. A fantasy of pure luxury and a privilege for skin which wants and deserves more!
An inexhaustible source of oxygen which has a ”fuelling” effect on skin cells and vitalises all the skin’s physiological functions. They work on the basis of the innovative FIFLOW BB61 oxygen binding and release mechanism which increases skin oxygenation. The improved oxygen supply stimulates skin cell respiration, visibly firms the skin and restores its natural freshness and colour.
Suitable for: all types of skin on the face, neck and décolletage, especially for inactive, tired and puffy skin lacking in oxygen; skin of smokers; skin exposed to a polluted urban environment, and skin subject to premature ageing.
Professional use: the ampoule is designed to be used as part of any treatment of the face, neck or décolletage – as a base for a selected mask and/or skin care cream. Shake it immediately before use. Apply to thoroughly cleansed, degreased and toned skin and (in keeping with the key to ampoule application symbols) rub it in using one of the suggested options: + X 0.
Key to ampoule application (rubbing in) symbols:
+ by direct current, i.e. iontophoresis (first the +, then the – setting),
X by ultrasound,
O by hand massage or sterile cannula.
Use at home:shake the ampoule immediately before use. In the morning and evening, gently massage it into thoroughly cleansed and toned skin of the face, neck and décolletage (one ampoule is sufficient for two applications). Finish the treatment with the selected HOME CARE Afrodita Professional care cream, ensuring it is the correct match for the type, age and current condition of the skin to be treated. We recommend a 5-day course of therapy to be repeated at least 3 times a year.
PURE OXYGEN Energizing day cream 50 ml
By working at the cellular level, this moisturising and refreshing oxygen care regenerates the skin from inside out! Its bioactive Fiflow BB61 technology improves oxygen supply to the skin, stimulates its detoxification and instantly invigorates the metabolic activity of skin cells. This not only improves the skin’s appearance but also benefits its overall function and structure! The skin regains a healthier and much more rested look, is visibly rejuvenated, and its ageing is decelerated.
Suitable for: all types of skin on the face, neck and upper chest, especially for inactive, tired and puffy skin lacking in oxygen; skin of smokers; skin exposed to a polluted urban environment, and skin subject to premature ageing as a result of external factors and/or genetic causes.
Apply the cream every morning (and during the day, if required) to thoroughly cleansed and toned skin of the face, neck and upper chest, and gently rub it in with the tips of your fingers. If so required (for combination to oily skin, prone to impurities), it may also be used for night care. For dry to normal skin, treat the skin with Vita Derma Anti-Stress Serum / Vita Derma Multi-Active Anti-Age Fluid / Gold 24 Ka Luxury Anti-Age Elixir (select according to current skin condition) before applying the cream.
Nourishing and regenerative oxygen care that revitalizes your skin cells as you sleep! Owing to a revolutionary system of atmospheric oxygen transport, Fiflow BB61 increases skin oxygenation, which in turn steps up the creation of new, healthy skin cells and revitalises all the natural functions of existing cells. The result: a radiant complexion which reflects the improved overall function of the skin at the cellular level with its visibly more vital and youthful appearance!
Suitable for: all types of skin on the face, neck and upper chest, especially for inactive, tired and puffy skin lacking in oxygen; skin of smokers; skin exposed to a polluted urban environment, and skin subject to premature ageing as a result of external factors and/or genetic causes.
Apply the cream every night to thoroughly cleansed and toned skin of the face, neck and upper chest and gently rub it in with the tips of your fingers. If so required (for extremely dry skin), it may also be used for day care. For dry to normal skin, treat the skin with Vita Derma Anti-Stress Serum / Vita Derma Multi-Active Anti-Age Fluid / Gold 24 Ka Luxury Anti-Age Elixir (select according to current skin condition) before applying the cream.
Oxygenation activator PURE OXYGEN a unique concept:intensive skin cell oxygenation! It is based on FIFLOW BB61, an advanced, highly functional technology that creates numerous tiny bubbles on the skin’s surface, binding oxygen from the air and releasing it into skin. This improves oxygen supply to the skin, stimulating its metabolism. As a result, the skin can ”breathe” again and shine with a fresh and visibly rejuvenated look.
Suitable for: all types of skin on the face, neck and décolletage, especially for inactive, tired and puffy skin lacking in oxygen; skin of smokers; skin exposed to a polluted urban environment, and skin subject to premature ageing.
Shake the activator immediately before use. In the morning and evening, gently massage 20 drops of activator into cleansed and toned skin. Then apply Pure Oxygen Energizing day/night cream or any other Afrodita Professional HOME CARE cream, ensuring it is the correct match for the type, age and current condition of your skin. We recommend a 1-month course of treatment, to be repeated 5-6 times a year.
PURE SKIN Foam 200 ml
Gentle but effective formula with tea tree essential oil, care complex and bio-active lactic acid to eliminate excess sebum from the skin and cleanse it thoroughly without irritating it or drying it out.
Apply to face, neck and décolleté area (also to problem areas on the back), massage in gently and rinse off with lukewarm water. Recommended for daily use in the morning and evening.
Light, rapidly absorbed texture maintains skin hydration*, mattifies the complexion and shrinks enlarged pores** through the synergistic action of astringents. Added salicylic acid has a keratolytic effect and cleans clogged pores, while a complex of Amazonian plant extracts balances sebum secretion and hydrates the skin.
*in vivo study on 12 volunteers after 4 weeks of twice-daily use (summarised from Tanno et al. 2000).
**in vivo clinical study on 10 volunteers after 28 days of twice-daily use.
Apply to the cleansed and toned skin of the face, neck and décolleté area. Recommended for daily use in the morning and evening.
**in vivo clinical study on 10 volunteers after 28 days of twice-daily use.
Has a mild antimicrobial effect and shrinks enlarged pores, restores the skin’s natural pH value and hydrates it. Added vitamin B3 helps reduce the occurrence of acne, soothes the skin and evens its tone.*
*in vivo study on 18 volunteers after 8 weeks of use (summarised from Hakozaki et al.).
Apply to cleansed face, neck and décolleté area with cotton wool and leave to absorb. Recommended for daily use in the morning and evening.
PURE SKIN ZnO Cream 30 ml
Reduces sebaceous gland hyperactivity, soothes the skin and has a mild antibacterial effect.
After applying Pure Skin Solution Skin Pore Minimising Fluid, apply a thin layer and leave to absorb. Alternatively, apply topically to problem areas. Recommended for daily use in the morning and evening.
Lätt och praktisk patentvärmare med ergonomiskt handtag och fin design. Det kan fungera både vid 110 och 220V. Utrustad med kåpa och matningskabel. Denna värmare har konstruerats för uppvärmning av vattenlösliga 100 ml rullpatroner. Färg: Vit med grön keps.
Sandy sw 1500
Skål för vaxvärmare VH1500, utformad för att alternera användningen av olika typer av vaxer och fullt utnyttja värmarens multifunktionalitet.
300 ml
Intensiv rengöringsformel för maximal effektiv handtvätt.
1000 ML
Med antibakteriell och antiviral verkan med etanol (75 g / 100 g). Tillsatt glycerin ger näring åt huden på händerna.
Med antibakteriell och antiviral verkan med etanol (75 g / 100 g). Tillsatt glycerin ger näring åt huden på händerna.
Med antibakteriell och antiviral verkan med etanol (75 g / 100 g). Tillsatt glycerin ger näring åt huden på händerna.
Stålspatel – krökt
Spatel för vaxbehandling med rostfritt stålblad.
Spatel för vaxspridning med rostfritt stålblad.
Träspatlar till ansiktsvaxning, förenklar användningen på mindre områden som t.ex. överläpp och ögonbryn. Är som en glasspinne i storleken. Det finns 50 stycken i varje förpackning.
Tillverkad i Italien
Träspatlar till ansiktsvaxning, förenklar användningen på mindre områden som t.ex. överläpp och ögonbryn. Är som en glasspinne i storleken. Det finns 50 stycken i varje förpackning.
Tillverkad i Italien
Träspatlar 50 st
Träspatlar till ansiktsvaxning, förenklar användningen på mindre områden som t.ex. överläpp och ögonbryn. Är som en glasspinne i storleken. Det finns 50 stycken i varje förpackning.
Tillverkad i Italien
Vax i aluminiumskål – 1 kg
Sugar paste
100% natural depilatory wax. It leaves the skin soft and silky. Suitable for all types of skin, even those with problems of capillary fragility.
HOW TO USE: Heat the pot to about 20-30°. Take a small amount of product and make a ball with your fingers. Spread the wax in the opposite direction of hair growth with your hands or with the help of a spatula, then rip the wax from the skin in the direction of hair growth. The wax can be used several times until it is no longer elastic. Remove any wax residual with water. It is suggested to use a refreshing and moisturizing product at the end of depilatory treatment. Keep in a cool and dry space.
Code: SIE2288 – Size: SOFT 800ml (1100g)
Code: SIE2289 – Size: MEDIUM 800ml (1100g)
Code: SIE2290 – Size: STRONG 800ml (1100g)